Monday, January 21, 2013

Ladder of Consequences

What follows is the updated and revised Ladder of Consequences for the High School of Language & Innovation. A major strength of our school's Ladder is that it is a living, breathing policy. This is already the third version of it so far this school year.

The entire teaching staff, administration (which is primarily the principal since we have chosen not to have an assistant principal), & even support staff--including school aides and hallway support team--play a role in creating school policies. I'm not sure how often this occurs in other schools but know for a fact it did not occur in my previous two schools.

Ladder of Consequences

First and foremost:
Students show respect for social norms through reciprocal interactions with peers; and when norms are violated, students actively enforce them.*

1. Teacher warning (verbal or visual).
2. 5-10 minute silence in retreat spot.†
3. 5-10 minute behavior reflection in retreat spot.
4. Behavior conference with phone call home. ‡
5. Silent lunch with phone call home.
6. After school reflection with phone call home. Review behavior conference and write response.
[1] From “Learning Cultures Classroom Social Norms Rubric,” Cynthia McCallister. 

[1] Not in Unison Reading.  In Unison Reading, “Students demonstrate promotive behaviors toward their peers and manage the group by attending to social process concerns.”  Cooperative Unison Reading Rubric, McCallister. 

[1] Student and teacher, or student and support staff, must have a behavior conference at this point.  Students write their part of the behavior conference before they meet with the teacher during class or lunch in B37. 

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