Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Days

HSLI has demolished the competition!

In last Wednesday's ice/snow storm, when many other high schools had 20-35% attendance, HSLI was at 50.3%. When other schools in our building (7 in total) had numerous teachers absent, we had 95% teacher attendance (only 1 absence).

Again yesterday, with over half a foot of snow falling during morning rush hour, we had 95% teacher attendance. Our student attendance dropped a lot yesterday--to 35.6%--but it was still higher than many high schools. Remarkably, students were still engaged and working. In my tenth grade global class, there were only 8 of 24 students present, but these students--a couple of whom regularly get very distracted and distract others--were working assiduously. Others were assisting them and helping to improve the classroom environment.

All in all, a great prelude to (yet another) break. We are off to our mid-winter break, beginning, well, NOW.

Most folks have already left, except for the half dozen or more HSLI teachers who are still here a full 45 minutes after their work day is over on a Friday before a long break. This is typical of our staff; not that I want to brag too much or anything.

Enjoy your February,
Mr. Hall

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