Thursday, October 18, 2012

What Will it Take... engage a student brand new to the United States, who speaks no English and understands very little about what is going on in school?

A new girl from the Congo, D., broke down during my Global class yesterday. She was in tears and a fellow French speaker in class, K., asked if she could go out. I thought she was ill but it turns out she was very distraught about not understanding English, missing her home country, and being lost in her assignments. K was very promotive--talking with her, telling her how things were the same for her just one year ago. K now understands what I say to her though this time last year she says she spoke no English and could not understand.

A Bengali-Indian boy in class, not known for always being especially promotive of others, also stepped in and told D. she needs to keep trying and not worry. He also knew no English when he arrive in New York.

D was back in class and on time, as usual, this morning. She answered questions on paper--although I know that must have been a struggle. But she made an attempt.

So many of our kids here really want to learn.
Today I posted up the new group leaders for next week. D will lead. She chose a reading today and folks signed up for their Unison Reading groups. I hope this experience will help engage her more in our "formats" and mission.

Next up: posting an exclusive interview conducted last week with Principal N.! Please stay tuned...

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